Monday, 12 September 2011

The trip to Scotland

We are looking forward to travel to Scotland. It is only less than 2 weeks to go. Hopefully, there will be beautiful weather.


michael.. said...

Yes, let's hope that the weather will be good :-)

We are looking forward to welcoming you all to Scotland!

Noora said...

I'm looking forward to coming to Scotland!(:

Inka said...

It is wery nice to travel to Scotland(:!

Jenna said...

Im looking forward to goming to Skotland!!(:

Eetu said...

Its fun to come in Scotland.

Niko Ingervo said...

it is very nice to travel to Scotland!! =)

Lassi Janhonen said...

I am wery happy that we REALLY are allowed to come to Scotland. Altough, I am not looking forward to haggis wery much ;) For Michael, I really appreciate the hard work you have done for our trip, to make it most enjoyable. Thanks.