Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Day 3, Tuesday 27th September

At the Museum of Flight, about to board Concorde!

Don't press the ejector seat!

Someone likes Scotland!

Time for lunch...

In our wetsuits, about to try something a little different!

Get the boards ready, guys!

In the North Sea, water temperature 13C.

Time to start using the surf boards.

It's not cold in here- honest!

Confidence is growing stronger all the time...

Time for a race!

Back on dry land, practising for the next bit!

This is a competition- who can run all the way along the surfboards?

Some were not so lucky!

Aahh! I'm about to fall!!

Going, going, gone!

Running champion!

End of a great afternoon. Look out for the video, showing much more!

Dancing at the ceilidh evening.

Super fun at the ceilidh.

Today has been a fantastic (FANTSU) day! We started off by leaving Innerwick after breakfast and heading to the Museum of Flight, where we boarded Concorde at 10am, and saw lots of different planes. We played with various interactive games, and then had lunch before we then took the bus to Dunbar. There, some of us were nervous, as we prepared to head out into the North Sea, to try our first surfing lesson! This was really great fun. After changing into wetsuits, we played games on the sand, and then we started to learn how to do the real surfing! We spent over two hours in the water, 13C before we finally came out and changed again. Many said that it felt much warmer than 13C- the wetsuits did a very good job at keeping us warm. The weather was very good again- sunny and warm, around 19C, so we have been very lucky!

After we returned to Innerwick, we again left on the bus, and went to a special evening. It was a Scottish evening where we ate haggis, listened to bagpiping music, and then danced some Scottish dances, all with the Scottish penpals. Finally, we returned home at 9pm, with some of the penpals a little upset to leave each other! Tomorrow, we go to Edinburgh.

Suomeksi jalleen. Tanaan oli jalleen oiken FANTSUA. Aamulla suuntasimme kohti lentomuseota, missa paasimme vierailemaan Concordin sisalla. Samassa museossa naimme myos paljon muita lentokoneita ja vanhoja toisen maailman sodan aikaisia parakkeja. Museossa oli mahdollisuus pelata monia interaktiivisia peleja, kuten laskeutumista ja monia muita hauskoja peleja. Museossa soimme herkullisen lounaan ennen lahtoa takaisin Dunbariin. Siella osa meista oli hermostuneita kun valmistauduimme menemaan kylmaan mereen. Meilla oli aluksi pieni opetustuokio surffauksen perusteista. Kun olimme saanet markapuvut paalle leikimme muutamia hauskoja peleja meressa. Sitten opettelimme oikeaa surffausta. Aluksi oli pienta tuulta ja kuin tilauksesta tuuli vahan koveni. Surffasimme pari tuntia, vaikka vesi oli vain 13 asteista. Markapuvut pitivat meidat lampimina ja saa oli jalleen erinomainen. Lampotila oli 19 ja tuntui kuin olisi kesa. Meilla on ollut todella hyva tuuri, silla pari aikaisempaa viikkoa taalla on ollut sateista ja viileaa.

Illalla menimme skotlantilaiseen iltaan joka jarjestettiin eraanlaisella "seurojen talolla." Se oli todellinen skotlantilainen ilta. Saimme nauttia sakkipillin soitosta, soimme skotlantilaista perinneruokaa Haggisia ja sitten tansimme skotlantilaisia tansseja yhdessa kirjekavereiden kanssa. Tulimme takaisin majapaikkaan vasta kello 9. Osa meidan tytoista oli surullisia, koska he joutuivat eroamaan kavereistaan. Huomenna me vietamme koko paivan Skotlannin paakaupungissa Edinburghissa.