We set off from Innerwick at 9.00 in glorious weather- in what turned out to be the hottest day in September for more than 50 years! By 10.00 we had arrived and were inside Edinburgh Castle, where we split into two groups to explore.
As the weather was so good, we changed our original plan of spending the afternoon in the National Museum of Scotland- instead, after lunch in an Italian restaurant, we decided to take an open-top bus tour of the city! With the temperature now at 24C, it was a great way to relax and see a bit of the city.
On the way back home, we had the chance to do some shopping (we had already bought some great souvenirs in the morning), then we came home and got ready to go out to The Rocks restaurant in Dunbar for dinner with our pen-pals.
Then, it was home to bed, ready for the early start on Thursday to return home to Finland. It has been a great time in Scotland!