Finns and Scots together, enjoying dinner in The Rocks restaurant, Dunbar.
It was great to see everyone getting on so well together!
Friends together!

Last night, we headed to Dunbar for dinner in The Rocks restaurant. And, an extra Scotsman appeared! Jyrki, along with the bus driver Ian both wore their kilts to the dinner- what an amazing pair of Scotsmen!
It was very hot, Jyrki said, wearing the kilt, but I think he enjoyed the experience :-)
And above, a short video, taken using my digital camera, from the ceilidh evening. Much better video will come later, once I edit my filming.
We love time of scotland<3
I wish we could have stayed in Scotland forever. I had the best time in my life there. I will never forget it.<3
We want to return to Scotland. <3
We love scotland<3!
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