Monday, 26 September 2011

Day 2- Monday 26th September

After assembly, where both Finnish and Scottish pupils showed their powerpoints to each other and exchanged presents!

Fish and chips for lunch!

George, aka Jyrki, tries out a new toy!

In Gifford, by the church.
Bowling, on the ultra-smooth grass!

The competition is getting hotter!

It's a wonderful sunny afternoon as we continue the bowling!

Who is going to win?

After golf and bowling, we returned to Innerwick, where we enjoyed pizzas for dinner!

Each of us was given a Scottish bag full of surprises, including special mugs made to remind us of our visit to Scotland!

The Scottish penpals came to play games with us all this evening, and we had great fun together!

Playing games with each other.

Look at this- we even watched one of the Scottish pupils who performed on his unicycle! Wait until you see this on the video- which will be uploaded later!!

A chance to discuss things between Scottish and Finnish parents.

We work here too! Completing our diaries at the end of a very busy day!

A very busy day in Gifford!! Assembly, powerpoints, class visits, unihoc, walk around Gifford, golf and bowls. then, pizzas for dinner, and visits from the penpals this evening! Phew! We are tired but very happy. A fantastic day for everyone. More tomorrow!

Ja sama suomeksi. Meilla oli tanaan todella kiireinen paiva. Kokonnuimme aamulla koululle ja pidimme powerpoint-esitykset ja saimme kuulla myos esityksia Skotlannista. Vierailimme luokissa ja saimme ihailla alytauluja. Alytaulut on jokaisessa luokassa Skotlannissa. Pelasimme paikallista sahlya, teimme kavelyretken Giffordissa. Sitten menimme pelaamaan golfia ja keilaamaan hienolla nurmella. Soimme pitsat ja saimme vieraaksi kirjekaverit tana iltana. Olemme vasyneita, mutta onnellisia. FANTSU paiva jalleen. Lisaa tekstia huomenna.


Jari T. said...

Thank you to Michael and all of You. I quess that these few days have been fine and unforgottable to our pupils, parents and teachers.

Have a nice autumn. Hope we meet one day.

Jari T.