We want to thank our friends for your visit. As you see you took the sun with you.
Pupils from two primary schools, one in Finland, the other in Scotland, travel to meet each other and experience each others' cultures. This blog tells the story of the two trips.
Thank you to all of you too.
Awwwww so sweet. We are all missing you! We hope to see you all soon! Bye bye!
Hello Jenna thank you for everything. I LOVED Finland! It was so so fun. Hope to see you all again.
It was nice meeting you, Niko. Your school is big and very nice. I liked playing floorball. I also liked skiing. The snowmobile was cool!
I really liked doing the ice skating on Friday. I had never done it before so it was a good experience.
I really enjoyed mixing with everyone. The sauna was brilliant- and rolling in the snow afterwards!
I really enjoyed the snowmobile at Sami's house and the sledging was great. I also enjoyed floorball. The swimming pool was cool and the reindeer soup was great. Thank you evarybody at the school for helping us have a great time in Finland!
Hey Julia!!! :) :P :D Finland was AWESOME!!! Thanks for everything.
Keep E-mailing!!! ;) ;P ;D
Yes, I would like to come back to Finland but I would like to see what Finland is like in the Summer!
I hope you can come to Scotland in September!
Hi Iida! I had loads of fun in Finland! I am really missing you! Keep emailing! Bye!
Thanks Niilo!
It was nice to meet you. Hope you have recovered from trying to teach me to skate. Take care hope you enjoy your holidays’.
Thanks from Mike:-)
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